I’m sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea, Ricky Nelson playing in the background and my darling whippet, Leo, is laying on his bed looking up as if that all that matters in his world - is me. There’s stormy weather outside so the heating is on and I have a belly full of sourdough toast topped with chuckleberry jam. Gemma, a fabulous and very talented lady who is part of the Tom’s Yard team, has tasked me with writing a summary for 2024. So if there’s a time to write about the past year, this moment right now is as good as they can get.
So, where do I start? The successes, the challenges, the thanks? Well, I don’t really know - so I’m just going to allow my fingers to type as my mind whirrs away.

2024 has been a tough year for many working in horticulture and that is really down to the weather. Gardeners have felt disappointed by the lack of displays, landscapers called off work due to poor ground conditions and suppliers dealing with often uninspired members of the public.
But that said, the year has pulled through. We may not have seen the results in our gardens that we would have liked but come Summer 2025 and the hard work we endeavoured to pitch in this year will pay dividends. After all, ‘’to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow’’.
Looking forward to 2025 and I have a lot to be excited about. Tom’s Yard continues to grow at a reassuring pace and the addition of the new range from Vietnam will hopefully continue to prove that pots can be a superb enhancement for any outdoor space.

On top of more pots, Tom’s Yard itself is set to grow later in the year with the addition of a new office, in-house photography studio and more storage space. Although I have slightly reduced how many shows the business will exhibit at, with more and more members of the public travelling fair distances to visit the Yard (as of this moment right now there’s a chap on his way down to collect 2 pots from Cheshire!), it’s about time the site had more appropriate facilities.
So what have been the highlights? Well, I exhibited at my first RHS Flower Show which turned out to be a storming success. So much so the 4 days at the foot of the Malvern Hills accounted to be around two thirds of what I took in my first 6 months in business! Although that first 6 months was not a lot, it’s great to put things into perspective and to realise how far the business has come!

Secondly, I appear to be gathering a rather keen following - possibly more so than I had realised! It’s a very strange feeling to have people coming up to you when you're getting on with your day to day life asking if you are Tom’s Yard. From queuing in an airport to waiting in a hospital, it’s actually quite unbelievable where people have recognised my face. It’s probably an aspect of running a business that no one prepares you for! I should finish this part up by saying that it’s always a pleasure to be approached.
In terms of achievements, there have been so many. I won't go into details (some I’m not allowed to mention and some I’d hate to in the fear of ‘name dropping’!) but the most exciting part of 2024 has been seeing the beautiful places my pots wind up at. From dealing with passionate gardeners, to design professionals, to the owners of exceptional spaces - I’ve been spoilt by your support. I believe there’s now a Tom’s Yard pot sat in every mainland British county which I found mind-blowing. It’s now almost impossible to drive any way from Herefordshire to Oxfordshire and to not pass a village I don’t recognise.

BUT - all of that said, this year hasn’t been without its challenges… Some shows failed to return, the Pot Wagon required a few plasters along the way, I (for the sake of being an honest chap!) broke my fair share of pots, and I’m still yet to find a healthy work x life balance…
Then there were the unexpected injuries. One from a nasty cut that led to a passing out episode (damn those sharp Japanese tools!) and then a wicked bash on the face that led to a fractured tooth. How I'm smiling below after that episode I don't know... Everyone goes on about needing to watch your back in my trade - but it appears there are many other hazards out there!

Not realising how my writing could flow once I get going, it’s probably time to wrap up. I would just like to finish by expressing how thankful I am to each and everyone of you who continue to support my business. Without you, Tom’s Yard wouldn’t exist - it’s that simple. Thank you for continuing to support my business. Thank you for the friendships. And thank you for giving me a reason to wake up every day with fire in my belly.
Have a fantastic Christmas.
Yours, so sincerely,
Thomas x