To all of my Clients, friends and contacts - thank you for another prosperous year. I hope you've all been equally blessed.
To say that this year has been a busy one is an understatement. There have been some highlights that I love to look back on.... I visited my first Client with a castle.... delivered pots to many highly regarded gardens..... had Tom's Yard's first book mention..... supplied the BBC for a second time..... invited to a new garden festival in the SE over my big glossy magazine competitor.... saw my pots on an RHS Gold Medal stand.... supplied gardens designed by Chelsea Gold Medal winners.... and have met and made friends with so many fantastic people.
Though it's not been a year without it's challenges (even as of this moment, the van is out of action) - I like to think they are all sent to test us and that they are nothing but character building experiences to learn & develop from.
It's been the first year Tom's Yard took a big step forward by growing the product range to include imports from Crete AND Italy. Every week of the year pots are now finding their new homes throughout GB and I appear to be growing a bit of a name between gardeners in the surrounding counties.
I hope this business is a testament to the fact that good old fashioned honest work and a daily gallon of passion can still get you places. That's something they should be teaching the next generation!
By the time Spring's imports arrive, I firmly believe that Tom's Yard will hold one of the greatest pot ranges in the UK. My aim will forever be to have a great quality product backed up by good personal service and competitive prices.
Although many buyers these days expect an experience when shopping, I hope my humble Yard on a farm here in Herefordshire can continue to thrill pot-fanatics.
That all said, take care, have that extra slice of cheese, be merry... and thank you.