Here's some great news to finish the year on!
I'm buzzing with excitement to announce that this week I was selected to be an Industry Coordinator for the Young People In Horticulture Association (the YPHA).

Established in 2020 as a means to unite under 35s in horticulture, the YPHA's focus is to consider how the industry might evolve to appeal to a younger demographic than has previously been the case with regards to future workers and customers. As a consequence of what they do, the YPHA helps to unite those under 35 working in horticulture and aims to facilitate collaboration, education and innovation.
Throughout the year there are organised social events, business visits, talks and a constant promotion of job opportunities, internships & bursaries for those looking to find new roles within the sector.

My role will be acting as the Industry Coordinator for what they class as 'Suppliers', helping to make connections and to assist others in my industry with whilst making sure success stories and opportunities are heard.
With now over 700 members across the UK, the YPHA has grown in numbers to become a resourceful group for those looking to make friends or to solve problems. I'm honoured to have been selected to act as a key role in it's expansion moving forwards into 2024.
It's free to join the YPHA - so if you know anyone who may be interested, send them to the website