Nothing beats these one-handed carbon steel Japanese Clippers. Perfect for box clipping and tidy-up work around grass & hedging, they're easy to use and forgiving on your forearms thanks to the smooth spring action. Also, they don't look too bad either.
Remember, it’s important not to cut old, hard wood, only soft new growth.
Available for £49, each pair comes boxed and with a spare hairpin spring (should it ever be required).
A Quick Note on Tool Care
Japanese steel is very sharp, though it can be more brittle than some people are used to. It will chip if abused.
Do not cut wire, metal, stone, plastic or any other hard material (even bamboo fibres and some very hard woods, especially knots and burrs, can damage steel edges).
Do not twist or apply uneven pressure.
Cut diagonally across branches (not straight across) so you cut along the fibres.
Use the base of the blades, not the tips, for heavier cuts.
Tool Maintenance
To keep your tools sharp, use the Everyday Sharpening Stone once a week for just 2 minutes. Remember, regular maintenance is far easier for you and better for your tools than the annual rainy day job in January. Soak your stone in water and once its finished bubbling, it's ready to go. Just remember, always sharpen the chamfered edge of the blade and never the flat side.
To keep your tools running smooth and rust-free, use the Camellia Oil. Made from cold pressed Camellia seeds & blended with a white mineral oil, this is the traditional Japanese choice for protecting tools. Use it when cleaning and as a regular protective coating. It leaves a lovely deep, non-oily finish, and it’s odourless & tasteless.