I’m often asked about what to grow in pots and one thing I always always say are trees!
You need two things to grow healthy thriving trees in containers. One is an upright growing variety or something that has been grafted onto a dwarf rootstock, there are some spectacular trees specifically bred to stay small and compact in size or even a slow growing tree would be ideal. Once you’ve chosen your tree, you need a large terracotta pot!
Terracotta is perfect for tree growing as their porous walls allow water and air to circulate, which can help prevent root rot and soil disease. Proper terracotta pots are also rather heavy and provide stability so less likely to blow over or topple during bad weather!
So we've established that trees in pots are great but if a bare and even dead looking branch poking from the soil for most of the year isn’t the aesthetic you’re going for, then let me share with you my top trees for long and multi- season interest.


Amelanchier lamarckii

A popular recommendation for growing in pots, but for terrific reason. You really get a long season of interest from the Amelanchier.  In Spring they boast stunning flowers which add a great aesthetic but for me it’s the leaves. Imagine an Autumn sunset and the glow hitting the bold copper coloured leaves of your potted amelanchier, truly setting your garden a light. A sight to behold! 

If like me, you’re trying to add more for wildlife then the juneberries produced in Summer from the tree, makes it a hero for the birds.

Oh and I must add to these already outstanding attributes that you can purchase them as multi-stemmed varieties as well which is very on trend and always a show garden favourite. 

Amelanchier lamarckii Hedging for Sale, Snowy Mespilus Plants | Ashridge (ashridgetrees.co.uk)


Sorbus bissetii ‘pearls’

This is an interesting one. With trees, we are so used to the turn of foliage colour with the change in season but how about the flowers? Or berries as this case may be.

This sorbus tree has everything to offer, delicate white flowers start to appear in Spring to then develop berries which transition as the season progresses from pink to pinkish purple before ending on an elegant crisp white.

I particularly love this one as when the berries are changing and offering up interest, the leaves are whirring through the colour wheel going from green in Summer and turning rich red and purple in Autumn.

Another great attribute I feel I need to tell you as well is that as well as being excellent for pots, if you live in a high pollution or coastal area this tree is a hardy little thing and can withstand both those conditions.


Sorbus bissetii 'Pearls' | Frank P Matthews


Salix Gracilistyla ‘mount aso’

Unlike some other trees who kick of their season in Spring, this salix starts its cycle in Winter adding a much needed flourish of colour to your garden. Bright pinkish red catkins adorn the tree from Late Winter, the striking green foliage emerges as the catkins depart for the Summer offering height and stunning foliage interest to your outdoor space or as the centre piece of a colourful flowering display.

Salix gracilistyla Mount Aso (0.6m standard) (3lt) (langthorns.com)


Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’

This one is for those of you who, like me, like something a little different in your garden. Something that evokes conversation at al-fresco dinner parties with the opening line “Wow, what tree is that?”

This acacia is an evergreen tree with exotic purple, yes purple foliage and the most stunning yellow mimosa flowers which bloom in Winter and Spring bringing a little sunshine to those gloomier garden days.

This is a very special tree and the bonus, it’s so easy to care for, not fussed by frost, can withstand drought and also makes a great choice for those of you on the coast as it can tolerate salt as well!

Acacia Baileyana 'Purpurea' from Burncoose Nurseries


Olive trees (Our ultimate choice!)

Shh, don't tell tell the others, but this has to be my favourite as nothing quite beats an olive tree standing proud in a beautifully crafted Cretan terracotta pot. They’re low maintenance, hardy and the mere look of an olive tree transports me to sunnier climates, not to mention they look excellent in so many garden spots especially adorning your front door spaces.


Olive Trees For Sale | High-Quality Olive Trees |Tom's Yard (tomsyard.co.uk)


It hasn’t been easy to shortlist my Tom’s Yard top trees for long seasonal interest, there are so many amazing varieties that offer so many different benefits for your garden... but I’m sure you’ll agree that these would look superb in your favourite pots.

Thomas Pearson